How to give Career Guidance to Students

How to give Career Guidance to Students

Career guidance is when trained professionals help analyse your abilities and talents and guide you in your career choices. This includes psychometric analysis, talent or skills tests, personality assessment to help identify your talents and the best career choices based on the same. Aptitude and skill assessment is the most important part of career guidance because when you do what you’re good at, you will be able to attain more success. Technodeed provides career guidance to students

Career guidance gives you an insight into all the options available for you as a professional. It also helps you decide what to get trained in or what course to pursue to suit your abilities and passion best. Your strengths, weaknesses, learning patterns are assessed to chart your career summary and personal profile. Such a comprehensive analysis gives detailed insights into your personality and all the professional paths suited to those strengths.

How to give career guidance?

1. Build awareness about multiple career choices:

The first and foremost thing in giving career guidance to any individual is to make them aware that there aren’t the traditional one or two career options today. Today, there are multiple options and exclusive options in career choices that one can follow and take up. World is more than just medicine and engineering or medical, non-medical and commerce for students. You should help one identify their abilities and follow their passions into careers of all kinds- film-making, arts, dance, music, business development, marketing etc. Therefore, an individual should know that there are multiple choices available and they can follow what suits them best.

2. Personality and strength assessment through psychometric tests

Psychometric evaluation helps in identifying strengths and weaknesses of individuals giving a complete and detailed insight into one’s personality type and character. In such an analysis, there is a test conducted based on multiple choice questions that judge one’s behaviour and thought process and determines their abilities based on their interests, personality traits, aptitude and behavioural patterns. Such a test is helpful in analysing what career or work profiles would be best suited to their personality type. Through such an assessment, counselors can help one make a wise choice as to what path to pursue in the future and how to plan for it in the present. Career counselors are trained to read such reports and give individuals the options with multiple preferences in career choices ranked in order of their suitability. Through a psychometric test, counselors also help one find which job profiles pay how much and thus make an informed decision as to their career path.

3. Charting out possible career options based on the test results:

The next step after [personality assessment is giving all the options suited to that personality type. Through psychometric test results, career counselors make one aware of their strengths and weaknesses and explain to them the best career options to follow. Such options should be ranked as per the best path to follow and the ones below that in order of decreasing preference. Counsellors can then guide and counsel individuals about each option in detail.

4. Identifying best courses/training to pursue to make a career in the chosen field:

After identifying the career options, individuals can select their preferred career path based on their personality and the possible future for that career option. Career counselors should then help individuals by educating them about the training/professional courses or vocational courses or full time educational experiences that are best suited to reach those goals. This includes helping to identify and select the best colleges, the top ranked courses, the most suitable training, online certifications, professional training, skill development or any other study or learning experience where one can develop the skills, aptitude and professional abilities suited to follow the particular career path as selected.

5. Planning the study experience/ study path:

Counselors should also help students in planning their study or training by giving them their best options for colleges, institutes or skill development centres where they can attain the right education and training experience to build a career in the chosen field. This includes helping the individual in all aspects- identifying best colleges, best courses, giving a detailed analysis of the fee structure or cost incurred in the training and learning experience, planning their applications, helping in the application process and being a supporting and guidance force till the student gets admission and starts pursuing the course. Such guidance includes preparing resumes, statements of purpose, college essays, letters of recommendations and other collaterals or documents needed in admission applications. The guidance should continue thereafter as to what best extracurriculars or internships should the individual pursue alongside their core curriculum to build their personality better and stronger for the chosen career path. 

6. Preparing your resume and getting trained or coached for interviews

After the course is completed and one has attained the knowledge and skills in a particular field, counselors should mentor the students about building their resume perfectly, targeting the right jobs and companies and preparing for interviews. They should help students in planning and applying to companies and also guide them about soft skill training to develop their skills in communication, team work, leadership and other essential qualities besides professional abilities that can help one achieve better career options. Interview preparation is a crucial step as well and counselors should prepare students through mock interviews and help them in giving the best answers for questions raised by employers.


Thus, the whole cycle from ascertaining the personality to choosing the career path to planning and studying the necessary courses or training and then applying for jobs and interviews is what career counseling is all about. It helps individuals make the wisest choices about their career with the ebay planning and guidance along the way. They can plan their short term goals and long term goals and plan their educational and professional experiences accordingly to leverage the maximum potential from every avenue.

Technodeed is a leading company that gives career guidance services and helps students make the best choices under the right guidance. Our professionals and experts have years of experience and can help you in following your dream career with the best possible outcomes.

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